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Perkins Selected as National Teacher of the Month for December 2024

Open Up Resources

Open Up Resources

November 22, 2024

Perkins Selected as National Teacher of the Month for December 2024

Malissa Perkins, a math teacher at American Fork Junior High School of the Alpine School District (UT), has been named the Open Up Resources Teacher of the Month for December 2024. Perkins is being recognized for her outstanding work in her classroom and ongoing support of teachers across the country as a member of the Open Up Resources National Professional Learning Community.

Malissa’s work with Open Up High School Mathematics makes her one of the most innovative teachers in the country. The Open Up High School Mathematics curriculum inspires a new way of teaching math by transforming classrooms into hives of activity focusing on discussion, questioning, debate, and the deeper conceptual learning of mathematics that follows. 

Travis Lemon, a colleague at Alpine School District and an author of the Open Up High School Mathematics curriculum, nominated Perkins for her ability to engage students in meaningful ways during math class. Lemon shared, “Malissa is eager to have students learning at high levels and seeks to engage every student in a meaningful way every time they come in to her classroom.” Lemon went on to say, “In addition to being such a thoughtful and amazing teacher, Malissa contributes to our team and district collaboration in a meaningful and significant manner.”

Perkins shared her appreciation for high-quality, openly accessible curriculum as a second year math teacher. She explained, “I love the tasks! As a newer teacher, I’m so glad that I can count on Open Up to provide me and my students with super open tasks (pun intended) that all of my students can access. Instead of spending my time making or hunting for quality tasks to use, I can focus on anticipating student thinking and planning how I will utilize that thinking to reach the learning goals for each lesson.” 

Perkins offered some insight for educators looking for a high school mathematics resource: “If you’re looking for a curriculum that not only has awesome tasks, but also has super helpful teacher notes and student supports then just go for it! Task-based teaching can be difficult, but Open Up Resources has everything you need to make it happen. Not only have my students benefited from using it, but Open Up has greatly elevated my practice as a teacher.”

Do you know a teacher who has inspired you and the students in their classroom with the Open Up Resources curricula? Please consider nominating a colleague for the Open Up Resources Teacher of the Month award.