About Us
A non-profit publisher partnering with districts and schools to bring high-quality curriculum, professional learning, and peer communities to PK-12 classrooms.
Our Story

Our History
Founded in 2015, Open Up Resources began as the K–12 OER Collaborative, a 13-state initiative to address quality gaps in the curriculum market.
What started as a promise to ensure high-quality curriculum was openly accessible has grown into an organization that supports educators through many facets of teaching and learning.
Today, Open Up Resources partners with districts and schools to bring high-quality curriculum, professional learning, and peer communities to PK-12 classrooms across the US and world with more than 3.6 million students served. We believe in the power of partnering with educators so they can empower all students to achieve their fullest potential.

Our Vision
Every student deserves the opportunity to achieve, and when everyone in a learning environment is growing, greatness is possible. OUR is your partner in ensuring students, teachers, and leaders have the tools they need—regardless of where they are on their learning journey. From high-quality instructional materials and digital supports to tailored professional learning and vibrant peer communities, OUR gives classrooms access to the tools they need to succeed.

Our 3 Ps of Success
Our Team
With decades of experience in and out of the classroom, our team is unified in championing high-quality education for all students.